Well the time is nearly upon us all again when cyclists (and meself) take to the saddle for the 2011 Sean Kelly Tour an event now pulling over 5,000 competitors from all over Ireland, the UK and Europe.
Starting here in the heart of Dungarvan and taking in in three routes of varying difficulty (namely 50k - 90k - and the 150k) this years date is Sunday August 28 2011 so not long left for turning those pedals like ninety in the final preparations.
Having taken part in the past two events I can vouch for how well organised an event this is and the words received from other entrants will truly back this up, from start to finish and along the beautifully scenic route you are looked after superbly with refreshments abundantly supplied by sponsors and locals alike and by the back up vehicles that can provide you with a new tyre in the unfortunate event of a blowout. Yes hand up, twas I the baldy tyre guy, who ventured out around 10k with a threatening bulge (in the tyre thread!) before it literally all blew up in my face. Thanks again to the spritely elderly lady who sped past my forlorn location passing on the supportive words "You having a rest already?"
That was on the 50k, and this year I may step it up and try to conquer the Kelly Coast 90k, hoping that both my legs and aged mountain bike are up to the challenge, though the spare tube is already in place if i'm in for a repeat, and a pillow for my sore behind will be placed in the fridge. Below is the route; (click to enlarge)
God Help Us.
So only four weeks training left to get in and be in reasonable shape for the challenge. And Mrs "having a rest", I'll be looking out for you, lol!
The Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford
A 10k Family Cycle is being held the previous day Saturday 27 August around Dungarvan, Abbeyside, Clonea and the Gold Coast so get the whole crew out for a spin you won't regret it!
The Kelly Ten - 10k Family Cycle
Video from VisitWaterford.
And last but certainly not least, a simple word to all the volunteers involved in this event......Thanks!
Slainte Mhaith
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